Vivi - Fluorite Eye's Song

Written at the end of S1 E2.

Vivi - Fluorite Eye's Song is an anime with a really dumb name, and the blurb sounds like it's an excuse to put AMVs on public television, e.g. Symphogear, which I'm not into.

Fortunately, it turns out to be a lot more action than singing, and it's very nicely animated to boot.

TL;DR: AI Robot built to sing is tasked with preventing an AI singularity in the future. (And not with the power of song and friendship.)

Being a sucker for time travel, Artificial Intelligence with laws, and robots, you can see why it's ticking my boxes, but I'm also getting that vibe from it that says this one actually had a budget and it's not just trying to sell a toy or a book.

Still airing, so we'll see how it pans out, but if Violet Evergarden and Ghost in the Shell were your jam, I'd say give it a go. (Or put this on the "circle back in three months" list if you're the sort who only marathons a series.)


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